
Simple Recipe for Sourdough Croissants: Danish Pastry Dough

Simple Recipe for Sourdough Croissants: Danish Pastry Dough

Let's continue in the croissant test kitchen! With home-baked croissants, the journey is the reward. And because it takes a few steps until your Danish pastry has enough layers, it's all the nicer when you take the crispy and flaky croissants out of the oven. Until...

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Homemade Sourdough Croissants with Poolish

Homemade Sourdough Croissants with Poolish

If you're looking for a recipe for quick croissants for a spontaneous Sunday brunch, then you've come to the wrong place. But if you fancy a sourdough project lasting several days - a croissant meditation - then this recipe is just right for you. Don't let the...

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