Summer Recipes

Recipe for simple Sourdough Baguettes with Spelt

Recipe for simple Sourdough Baguettes with Spelt

These sourdough baguettes were a bit of an accident, but a pretty happy one! After the mini version, the French classic has been on my list for a long time, but I haven't had the courage to try it yet. And this time, I actually only wanted to bake a spelt bread as a...

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Bostock Brioche – French Almond Pastry

Bostock Brioche – French Almond Pastry

Bo-what?! Bostock is a French pastry. The concept is similar to French toast, except that the bread for Bostock is not fried in a pan. The brioche slices are soaked in syrup, spread with jam and topped with an almond paste. If you ask me: much better than French...

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Sweet Sourdough Knots with Lemon Coconut Filling

Sweet Sourdough Knots with Lemon Coconut Filling

For me, summer tastes of fruity citrus fruits, fresh berries, coconuts and white chocolate. And that's exactly what this summer version of Norwegian cinnamon knots tastes like. The lemon-coconut knots have the same fluffy, soft dough, but with a summery, fruity...

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