Recipe for Easy Chia Seed Spelt Rolls with Sourdough
The chia spelt rolls are quick and easy to make and super crispy and aromatic. The spelt rolls work without yeast and without wheat flour. The dough does not require kneading and you can let it rest in the fridge overnight. Thanks to the wholegrain flour and chia seeds, the rolls are wholesome and rich in nutrients and will keep you satiated for a while. You can also bake them for stock, freeze them and thaw them when you need them.
Course chia seed spelt rolls, Chia spelt rolls, sourdough bread rolls, sourdough buns, sourdough rolls
Cuisine German
Servings 9chia seed spelt rolls
Soaked ingredients
50gwhole grain spelt flour
30gchia seeds
300gspelt flourtype 630
150gwhole grain spelt flour
50gsourdough starter
For the soaked ingredients, pour boiling water over the chia seeds and wholegrain flour, cover and let it cool down to room temperature.
For the dough,mix* all the ingredients together and let it rest, covered, until the dough has doubled in volume. This can take anywhere from four to ten hours. After about two hours, you can put the dough in the fridge overnight.
Turn out the dough onto a floured surface and shape into a square using your hands. Be careful not to press too much air out of the dough.
Cut the dough into 9 equal parts with a dough cutter*. Cover the dough pieces and let them rest for at least 1 hour at room temperature.
Carefully place the chia seed spelt rolls onto the baking stone*, reduce the temperature to 230 °C (450 °F) and bake for 10 minutes with steam and further 7 minutes without steam until the crust is crispy.
Keyword easy, healthy, no yeast, overnight, vegan, wheat-free